Being by the sea in Hawaii has been immensely lovely. Every morning, I am up at sunrise, walking along the beach, taking in the sky’s tableau of light and color. At each dawn, I am overcome by pure poignancy, by how beautifully the sea and sand and sky all weave together. Each night I go to sleep with the window cracked, so I can hear the waves come and go.
Grandpa’s funeral was small and beautiful. Husband gave a moving eulogy, and tears flowed down our cheeks. Disparate family gathered, and it was so nice to be together. Coming to Hawaii from London, from the East Coast, from the Midwest in February caused people to want to linger, even if for just an additional 24 or 48 hours. Instead of us all flying in for a shivery Boston service, and then heading out again the same day, we all stayed just a little longer. Many Grandpa memories were shared as our cheeks bronzed, as we buried toes in warm sand while we drip-dried on towels.
I file this away for when it is my turn. I would like very much for my family and friends to come to a place that invites them to stay on because the natural setting is so beautiful that it is hard to leave. I would like them all to have a bit longer, before everyone returns to their own daily responsibilities. For just a bit longer, I would like them to take comfort in the ties that bind us together as family and friends.
Also published on Medium.